options(digits = 4)  # for more compact numerical outputs

In this vignette, we assess long-term forecasts of the “hhh4” models from vignette("BNV") using:

This package is developed by Johannes Bracher and available from https://github.com/jbracher/hhh4addon.


We rerun the code from the vignette("BNV") to make the models available:

rmarkdown::render(system.file("doc", "BNV.Rmd", package = "HIDDA.forecasting"),
                  run_pandoc = FALSE, envir = BNV <- new.env(), quiet = TRUE)
(MODELS <- names(BNV$fits))
## [1] "reciprocal"     "homogeneous"    "no mixing"      "power-adjusted"

Predictive distributions

predmoms <- lapply(BNV$fits, predictive_moments, t_condition = 208, lgt = 52,
                   return_Sigma = TRUE)

## illustration for age group 00-04
.group <- 1
par(mfrow = n2mfrow(NMODELS), mar = c(5,5,2,1), las = 1)
invisible(mapply(fanplot_prediction, predmoms, main = names(predmoms),
                 MoreArgs = list(unit = .group, xlab = "Time", ylim = c(0, 55),
                                 mean_col = "white", mean_lty = 1,
                                 l.col = NA, pt.col = 1, pt.cex = 0.4)))

Scaled Dawid-Sebastiani scores of these multivariate forecast distributions:

sapply(predmoms, ds_score_hhh4, detailed = TRUE)
##                         reciprocal homogeneous no mixing power-adjusted
## dawid_sebastiani           960.565     976.217   949.264        952.769
## term1                      665.653     683.733   672.584        664.479
## term2                      294.911     292.484   276.679        288.289
## scaled_dawid_sebastiani      1.539       1.564     1.521          1.527
## determinant_sharpness        1.067       1.096     1.078          1.065

Final size forecasts (aggregate over time)

aggr <- matrix(rep(diag(BNV$NGROUPS), 52), nrow = BNV$NGROUPS,
               dimnames = list(BNV$GROUPS, NULL))
predmoms_aggr <- lapply(predmoms, aggregate_moments, aggregation_matrix = aggr)

par(mfrow = n2mfrow(NMODELS), mar = c(5,5,2,1), las = 2, cex.axis = 0.8)
invisible(mapply(plot_moments_by_unit, predmoms_aggr, main = names(predmoms_aggr),
                 MoreArgs = list(xlab = "Age group", ylim = c(0, 3000),
                                 pt.col = 2, pt.cex = 0.6)))

Scaled Dawid-Sebastiani scores of these multivariate forecast distributions:

sapply(predmoms_aggr, ds_score_hhh4, detailed = TRUE)
##                         reciprocal homogeneous no mixing power-adjusted
## dawid_sebastiani            49.178      50.454    48.794         48.849
## term1                       42.094      40.711    44.908         43.653
## term2                        7.084       9.743     3.886          5.196
## scaled_dawid_sebastiani      4.098       4.205     4.066          4.071
## determinant_sharpness        3.508       3.393     3.742          3.638